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Court J, Carr-Gregg M, Bergh C, Brodin U, Callmar C, Ejderhamn J and Södersten P.
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Södersten P, Bergh C.
Antidepressant´s use in Anorexic girls.
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Södersten P, Bergh C, Ammar A.
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Bergh C, Brodin U, Lindberg G, Södersten P.
Randomized controlled trial of a treatment for anorexia and bulimia nervosa.
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Bergh C, Södersten P.
Anorexia nervosa: rediscovery of a disorder.
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Bergh C, Eriksson M, Lindberg G, Södersten P.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in anorexia.
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Bergh C, Eriksson M, Lindberg G, Södersten P.
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Bergh C, Eklund S, Eriksson M, Lindberg G, Södersten P.
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Bergh C, Södersten P.
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